Spring in November!

It’s true.  This week the weather has been glorious with temperatures reaching into the 70’s. No one is complaining – not Jim or I or our animals!

Oh – we have more animals – 8 alpacas have been added to our flock.

Bacca, Casper, Richard, Sapphron, Daisy, Tansy, Oreo, and Reese – we need to get name tags!  They join Dorito, M&M and Telemark.  Sadly we lost Dazzle a bit ago.  We have LOTS of fiber!

IMG_1578Sadly, our dear, Zeke – the original yellow dog is slowing down greatly.  He still manages to get down to the barn, but often gets confused on the way back.  He is one great dog!

ZekeandAlphHope your fall is as beautiful as ours!


Great Show – Great Times!

Jim and I had a blast at the beCause Show at St Mike’s on March 14, 2015.  Many thanks to the folks who put it together!  We talked to lots of people and spread the word about Yellow Dog Farm and Grand Isle Art Works, of course!  We made a donation to Champlain Islanders Developing Essential Resources (C.I.D.E.R.).



beCause Show, Saturday, March 14th

YELLOW DOG FARM will be donating to CIDER, INC.  The very best non-profit group helping keep islanders’ in their homes!


C.I.D.E.R.’s mission is to develop and foster resources that enable the people of Grand Isle County, Vermont to live in their community with dignity.  C.I.D.E.R. accomplishes this by providing direct services and collaborating with other individuals and groups.  C.I.D.E.R. feels a special responsibility to elders and persons with disabilities.

The values that guide C.I.D.E.R. are to be: Caring, Creative, Client Based, Cost Effective and Community Based.

Check out CIDER at: http://www.cidervt.org/

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