Winter in Vermont…sort of…

It is cold today.  But, hardly any snow is on the ground.

Last week the temperatures were in the 40s-50s most of the week.

After last winter with our late dumping of snow and resulting flooding, we are a bit on pins and needles waiting Mother Nature out.  I do know this — cold without snow — is well — cold!

We have used this COLD afternoon to dye fiber.  Our vermilion sock yarn is gorgeous!

Happy New Year!

We have a bit of snow on the ground and a nip in the air – it is “finally” winter in Vermont.  It has been a long time coming.  The goats and alpacas are growing fleece rapidly these days as they keep up with the increasing cold temperatures.  The chickens just carry on – how do they stay warm?

Soon, I’ll be making mittens – my January evening past time these days.  Weekends will be for dyeing yarn!  We have boxes back from our spinner – more than enough to get started.  If we are smart we will be sending out more of our spring fleece to be processed soon, too.  And Jim…we be making YARN BOWLS.  Lots and lots of yarn bowls.  His plan is to “get ahead” of it all!  Hah!  We will see how well both of us really do!  Spring seems to come much more quickly these days and with it our list just seems to grow and grow!

Happy New Year from all of us here at Yellow Dog Farm!

21 goats…4 alpacas…4 chickens…2 dogs…and…2 humans!

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