Craft Vermont 68 – all virtual!

‘Tis the season for us to be readying for sheep and wool festivals. Our animals have been sheared and our fleece sent into be processed. I am spinning, beading, dyeing, and hand painting. Not to mention a great deal of knitting is taking place.
Alas – no shows.
So, we invite you to take a look at our Etsy shop. If you don’t see what you want, drop us a note.
Ellen & Jim
Wowie! Zowie!
We had a great time at Rhinebeck. Our very first time as a vendor! We subbed in for our friends from Biltmore Wool Barn. It was everything we hoped it would be. Thanks Kathy and Mark for thinking of us!
The festival is HUGE! But it is very well run. Our booth space in Barn 39 was immaculate – load in and out was a breeze. And everyone around us was grand, especially the show visitors! We learned lots about what to do and maybe not do. We have our fingers crossed that we will have a “year 2”!